Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
This document provides detailed guidance on how to undertake development in areas affected by coastal change.
Coastal change is an inevitable part of a dynamic coastline, presenting a challenge in planning for our coastline, particularly with the increased rate that our climate is changing. The risk of coastal flooding and vulnerability to erosion along the coast does not respect local planning authority boundaries, and so coastal change will need to be considered across a wide geography.
To address this, we have produced the supplementary planning document (SPD) in partnership with:
- East Suffolk Council
- Great Yarmouth Borough Council
- Broads Authority
- Coastal Partnership East
The purpose of the document is to offer guidance on how to interpret and carry out planning policy on coastal matters. It covers the coast from Holkham in Norfolk to Felixstowe in Suffolk.
The objectives of the document are to ensure those wanting to carry out development are clear about the requirements of local planning authorities and that coastal communities can continue to prosper and adapt to coastal change
The adopted document will be taken into account as a material consideration when deciding relevant planning applications.
The document contains guidance on the:
- types of development that are likely to be acceptable within the coastal change management area
- circumstances for when coastal erosion vulnerability assessments (CEVA) will be required to support planning applications
- rollback and relocation of buildings affected by coastal erosion
- types of infrastructure that may be at risk of coastal change now and in the future
- potential to enable development to support coastal adaptation projects
- and, templates, example model planning conditions and some best practice case studies
Consultation on the draft coastal adaptation SPD took place from 25 January to 8 March 2023. The final consultation statement can be found in our document library.
Relevant documents
Visit the supplementary planning documents and guidance section of the document library to view the Coastal Adaptation SPD and other related documents.
The joint project was led by East Suffolk Council. You can also visit East Suffolk Council to view documents that supported the production of the Coastal Adaptation SPD.
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