Landscape character and sensitivity assessment
Supplementary planning documents provide detailed guidance around how the Council will implement policies in the local plan. They aid the preparation of successful development proposals and are a material consideration in determining planning applications.
Adopted supplementary planning documents
Landscape character assessment
This document provides an updated and detailed assessment of the elements and features which make up the distinctive landscapes in North Norfolk. It maps the landscape into two levels - types and areas. Key characteristics are identified, along with valued features and qualities, which would detrimentally change the landscape character if diluted or adversely affected. It recognises forces for change that could have an adverse effect on a given landscape character and sets out an overall vision, with a strategy and guidance for conservation and enhancement of each landscape type and area.
Landscape sensitivity assessment
This assessment has become an important tool for informing the management of landscape change by assessing and mapping the sensitivity of different landscapes to different types of change.
This study assesses the North Norfolk landscape's sensitivity to various types of renewable and low carbon development. It provides context to support policies and proposals within the emerging local plan.
Related documents
- Adoption statement (PDF)
- Consultation statement (PDF)
- Notice of revocation LCA SPD 2009 (PDF)
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