LDOs last a specific time and are developed in consultation with all stakeholders.

Development proposals that do not meet the specific definitions outlined in the local development order must obtain a different type of planning permission. This can be done by submitting a planning application to North Norfolk District Council or seeking consent under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order (GDPO).

Egmere Local Development Order

NNDC wishes to secure as many economic and employment benefits from offshore wind developments for north Norfolk as possible.

The Council, working with local partners, particularly the Wells Harbour Commissioners and the Holkham and Walsingham Estates, wishes to create and promote a positive environment for inward investment by wind energy companies and their sub-contractors through a number of activities including the following:

  • identifying appropriate land and property opportunities
  • simplifying the local planning regime
  • coordinating supply chain and cluster development
  • promoting skills development among local people

The opportunities presented by the offshore wind and wider renewable energy sector are expected to diversify and develop the local economy. The designation of an LDO at Egmere is a key element of the Council’s ‘offer’ to such investors.

This LDO will be operative for an initial period of five years from the date of adoption and may then be reviewed and extended.

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