Fees for this service will increase from 1 April 2025.

How to add or change a business name to a property

What you need to do

When you have chosen a name, you need to investigate whether the name is already being used by another property or business in the immediate area. Then complete the application form to add or change a business name (PDF), and send it to the address on the form. Make sure you give a contact phone number in case we have trouble identifying your property on our street maps or have any questions.

What we will do

Check that the name is appropriate and that a duplicate one does not exist in the immediate area.

When a name has been confirmed, the Street Naming and Numbering team will let the following know on your behalf:

  • Internal departments such as Council Tax, electoral roll and environmental health
  • Statutory organisations, including emergency services and Ordnance Survey
  • Royal Mail
  • National Land and Property Gazetteer.

We will confirm your new address with you, in the case of duplication or objection, we will contact you to ask you to select another name.

How to add or change a name to an unnumbered house

Anyone wishing to change the name of their unnumbered house must apply to the Council.

Keep in mind that objections may be raised if the proposed new name is duplicated or similar to a house in the surrounding area, as this could cause confusion and delay when attending an emergency incident.

A fee applies to changing the name of a property.

Application form to add or change a property name without a number (PDF)

How to add or change a name to a numbered house

If a property has an existing house number, it must be retained. However, a name can be used in conjunction with the original number.

The number should always be displayed at the property and quoted within your address on all correspondence, for example:

Rose Cottage
1 The Street
The Town
NR88 8AA

Keep in mind that objections may be raised if the proposed new name is duplicated or similar to a house in the surrounding area, as this could cause confusion and delay when attending an emergency incident.

Application form to add or change a name to a numbered house (PDF)

Fees and charges for street naming and numbering

Fees for this service will increase from 1 April 2025.

These charges are not subject to VAT.

Item  Current cost Cost from 1 April 2025
 Change of house name on unnumbered properties £30  £35
 Change of building names and address for commercial units £30  £35
 Naming or renaming a property which has a postal number allocated Free  Free
 Change to an existing address that is incorrectly held by us Free  Free

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