View payments to suppliers over £500
As a Local Authority, we aim to secure the best possible value for money for our local tax payers in all our contracts. There are a number of different routes that the Council can take to help secure this.
The Council requires certain information from suppliers before entering into an arrangement, and therefore, suppliers are advised to become familiar with the Council's standard procedures for purchasing.
Payments to suppliers over £500
We as a Council believe that it is important to be open and transparent with our local residents in terms of how we spend our money. Suppliers should be aware that the Council is providing this information as part of the Government's commitment to increasing transparency across public services.
The information provided within the reports will include:
- transactions for values greater than £500 to external suppliers
- spend incurred in providing services
Certain information that is excluded from the reports includes:
- treasury investments
- precept payments
- salary advances
- severance payments
- Council Tax and Non Domestic Rate refunds
- benefit payments
- Members' allowances (as this information is already available to the public)
- employee remuneration (as senior staff remuneration information is also already published)
We aim to be as transparent as we can, but in some cases, we will need to respect information that could be seen as commercially sensitive. Where necessary, and to protect confidentiality, the supplier identity may also be withheld.
Further details in relation to the publication of this information, and access to the reports themselves can be accessed below:
Reports for transactions over £500
The Transaction reports contains a number of fields, these areas are explained here
The report contains a number of fields, these areas are explained below:
- Body Name - This is the full name of the Local Authority.
- Body - This is the Office of National Statistic (ONS) reference for North Norfolk District Council.
- Service Description - This is the service responsible for spending the money.
- Service Code - This is the short code used in the Councils financial system for each service area.
- Expenditure Category - This is the short code used to describe each expenditure category.
- Expenditure Category Description - These are the general headings that describe the nature of the expenditure (the expenditure category), for example employee related or transport related.
- CIPFA Detailed Expenditure type - This breaks down the general expenditure headings into more detail i.e. transport can be broken down into areas such as Mileage Allowances or Public Transport.
- Detailed Expenditure Code - This is the short code used within the Councils financial system to record expenditure against.
Each detailed expenditure type has a four digit expenditure code allocated to it. - Transaction Description - This is additional information entered against a payment in narrative form.
- Date - This is the date recorded on the Councils financial system.
- Transaction Reference Number - This is a unique system generated number allocated to each transaction.
- Amount - This is the amount excluding any recoverable VAT.
- Supplier Name - This is the full name of the supplier.
Certain information that is excluded from the reports includes:
- Treasury Investments
- Precept Payments
- Salary Advances
- Severance Payments
- Council Tax and Non Domestic Rate Refunds
- Benefit Payments
- Members Allowances (as this information is already available to the public)
- Employee Remuneration (as senior staff remuneration information is also already published)
Open Government Licence
This information is considered 'open public data' and is published under the 'Open Government Licence'. Please make sure you are familiar with the terms of the licence before using or reproducing this information in any way.
The data on this page is published under The Open Government Licence. This is a free open licence for public sector bodies to license the use and re-use of their information and data easily. If you are intending to use or re-use any of our data please note the conditions of the licence.
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