grants and funding

Business Grants

Business Grants
Grow your business

Grants provide finance to allow your business to undertake a specific project that, without financial assistance, would not be able to proceed. Such projects might involve the initial start-up of the business, developing a new product or buying equipment.

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Unlock essential funding for your business with available grants!

A grant is usually a one-off payment and provides funding that covers a percentage of the project's costs - usually, you or your business will have to meet some of the costs, too. Unlike a loan, a grant does not usually have to be repaid unless your business fails to comply with the scheme's specific eligibility requirements and conditions. You will need to check that you meet the eligibility criteria for a particular grant and consider what will be required to satisfy the funders' requirements.

Current grant schemes

In this section, we shine a spotlight on the exciting grant opportunities currently available for businesses in Norfolk.

business grants 

Business Transition to Net Zero (BTNZ) Grant

Are you a growing business looking to enhance efficiency or invest in machinery to boost productivity? The BTNZ scheme offers grant support and fully funded consultancy services to help measure carbon emissions and plan for Carbon Net Zero.

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business grants

Go Digital 

Grow your business with free digital advice and a £500 grant. This program offers free digital business support to small and medium-sized enterprises in Norfolk, including one-to-one consultancy sessions with a digital advisor.

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business grants

Growth through innovation grant

The grant is to part-fund projects to help businesses invest in innovative projects to develop better products, processes and services that will help them become more productive and grow.

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business grants 

Small Grant Scheme

Are you a growing business looking to boost productivity, develop new products, or invest in technology?  Norfolk County Council offers grants of up to £25,000 to help fund your projects.

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