Find out when your bins are due to be collected over Christmas and the new year
Better living environment
We all want to live in the best North Norfolk! Various service areas at NNDC can help you to achieve this for your area. The links below may help you tackle specific issues that may arise.
Community Connectors
Community Strategies
NNDC Housing Strategy from 2021 to 2025
Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
Environment and emergencies: environmental problems, emergency planning, report a problem and coastal management.
Report a nuisance: noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more.
Recycling and bins
Bins: bins, collections and recycling, commercial waste, report a problem with bins, report dead animals on public roads, pavements, verges or beaches.
Report a problem with a litter bin including dog bins
Where you can and can't take your dog: Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs), dog restrictions, dogs on beaches
Fly tipping and littering
Report a problem
Public toilets and car parks
Car park charges including coaches
Still need help?
Visit our contact us page for further assistance about our popular services and information.