Fees for this service will increase from 1 April 2025.

A local land charges search is part of the conveyancing process when a property or a piece of land is bought, leased, valued or remortgaged. This search reveals any restrictions or legal obligations against the site, such as tree preservation orders, conditional planning consents, conservation areas, listed buildings and so on.

How to apply

Public access land charges

Apply for a local land charges search via public access land charges (PALC). For personal searches, see below for further information. 

You will need the search address and an Ordnance Survey site plan of the search area outlined in red. File sizes must not exceed 4MB.

Alternatively, you can email forms LLC1, CON29 and CON29O to electronic.search@north-norfolk.gov.uk. We do not accept applications by post.

Personal searches

Visits to our offices for personal searches are currently suspended. To apply for a personal search, please email personal.search@north-norfolk.gov.uk

You will need to include a plan outlining the search area in red.

How long does it take to process?

Searches are currently being returned within 10 working days. 

Cancelling a search

If you need to cancel a search, contact our Local Land Charges team. If the search process has already started, a fee may be payable.

How to pay

Searches made through our PALC system can be paid for online. Alternatively, the fee can be made online by card or by BACS.

A breakdown of fees for submitting the forms

Current fees

Item Net Vat Total
Full Search (LLC1 and CON29) £109  £17 £126
LLC1 only Official Certificate of Search £24  £0 £24
CON29  £85  £17 £102
Additional elements
CON29O 4-22 per question £17.50  £3.50 £21
Additional Land Parcels LLC1  £2  £0 £2
Additional Land Parcels CON29 £14.58  £2.92 £17.50
Own additional questions £20  £4 £24
Building Regs Q1.1 (j), (k), (l)                £9 £1.80 £10.80

Fees from 1 April 2025

Item Net Vat Total
Full Search (LLC1 and CON29)
Residential £116.67 £18.33 £135
Commercial £125 £20 £145
Residential £25  £0 £25
Commercial £25  £0 £25
CON29 Enquiries
Residential £91.67 £18.33 £110
Commercial £100 £20 £120
CON29O Enquiries
CON29O 4-22 per question £18.33 £3.67 £22
Additional Land Parcel
LLC1 £2.10 £0 £2.10
CON29 Residential £15.42 £3.08 £18.50
CON29 Commercial £20.83 £4.17 £25
Own additional questions £20.83  £4.17 £25
Building Regs QI.1 (j), (k), (l)                £10 £2 £12
Personal search £0 £0 £0

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Visit our contact us page for further assistance about our popular services and information.