The Household Support Fund (HSF) is designed to help address cost of living needs

The Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) awards funding to Norfolk County Council as part of the HSF to support vulnerable people. While much of this funding has been allocated to specific organisations and initiatives, all local councils in the country have been given funding to meet any emergency needs of residents we identify through our existing frontline services.


You do not need to contact us. If you have been identified as eligible to receive this funding, we will contact you in writing.

Household Support Fund FAQs

View our FAQS  for commonly asked questions about payments, collecting your payment from the post office, and what ID you will need to take. 

Emergency support

If you currently have contact with Housing, Financial Inclusion, Benefits, or the Early Help and Prevention Team at North Norfolk District Council, we may be able to access this emergency funding on your behalf. You may also receive a letter or phone call from us if you are identified as suitable for the fund. 

There is no application for this. Please do not call the council for this funding. We cannot take external referrals.

For the current round of funding, all spending must be completed by 30 September 2025.

Get support and advice

Find out about other support on our cost of living help pages, including advice and support on:

  • money, debts, and benefits
  • access to food
  • housing
  • support for children
  • energy, water, phone, and broadband costs

Visit What the Client Hardship Service is - Norfolk County Council for further advice and support.

Financial Inclusion team

Find out how our financial inclusion team can help if you're struggling to know what support you can access. If you have money worries, knowing where to start can be difficult. Our team can help get you started by providing free and confidential support and guidance. 

Funded by UK Government