Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
View the Council's key data (open data). To promote openness and transparency, the UK government recommends that local authorities publish specific key data (facts and figures).
These are listed in the Department for Communities and Local Government's (DCLG) Local government Transparency Code 2015.
The Transparency agenda sets out to open up government and public services. Open data is not only about supporting local transparency and accountability, but is also a driver to engage and empower citizens and communities, foster improvement and efficiencies and drive social and economic growth. Open civil society, technical advances on the internet, greater accountability and efficiencies in delivering public services drive the opening up of public sector data. Open data means the data is free to access, use and reuse and is available via the internet based on the open government licence. The data below marked with a * is covered by the open government licence.
Councils are encouraged to make data openly available in ways that lead to greater take-up for use in self-assessments, self-service and development of data services and online tools in a growing online service marketplace.
Local Government Transparency Code
Complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman
The annual review letters from the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) detail the Council's performance in dealing with complaints that they receive about them. These annual review letters include a summary of the complaint statistics the LGO have recorded in the year.
You can view the performance of the Council at North Norfolk District Council - Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
The Constitution which sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.
Council spending over £500*
Council spending over £500 is detailed in an Excel spreadsheet and in PDF and CSV formats.
Council Tax Payments
Information relating to Council Tax arrears.
Environmental Protection
Published details of local authority funerals, fly tips, noise and nuisance, stray dogs and the number of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) and Community Protection Orders (CPOs).
The Transparency Code requires the annual publication of data relating to the Council’s counter fraud work.
Gender Pay Gap
All companies with 250 employees or more need to publish their gender pay gap report annually.
Government Procurement Card Transactions*
Information about Council transactions made using procurement cards.
Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations*
The Council publishes details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations annually. North Norfolk District Council has chosen to publish a separate list to include all grants even if below £500.
Late Payment Interest
As required under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Late payment interest information is detailed in an Excel spreadsheet that provides the following statistics:
- the proportion of invoices that complied, as a percentage of the total number of invoices that should have been paid 30 days.
- the total amount of any liability to pay interest which accrued by virtue of a breach of those obligations.
- the total amount of interest actually paid in discharge of any such liability.
Pay multiple*
The pay multiple, defined as the ratio between the highest taxable earnings for the given year (including base salary, variable pay, bonuses, allowances and the cash value of any benefits in kind) and the median salary of the whole of the authority’s workforce.
Parking revenues*
A breakdown of income and expenditure on the Council's car parks.
Parking spaces*
An Excel spreadsheet detailing the number of parking spaces that are in the Council's pay and display car parks. This information is also available in PDF and CSV format.
Procurement information*
Current contracting and tender opportunities are published on our website.
The contracts register shows what we buy, how much we spend and with whom.
Contracts and purchasing over £5000, we publish details of all contracts and orders over £5,000 in csv format.
Property and land we own and use*
We've published details of land and buildings owned by the Council in an Excel spreadsheet and in PDF and CSV formats.
Organisation Chart*
Organisation charts displaying the management structure of the Council.
Senior Salaries and pay policy*
A document showing details of employees whose full-time equivalent salary was over £50,000 is available in an Excel spreadsheet and in PDF and CSV formats.
Also published is our pay policy statement.
Trade union facility time*
A document showing trade union facility time is available in an Excel spreadsheet and in PDF and CSV formats.
Waste contracts*
This document details of the Council's existing waste collection contracts is available in an Excel spreadsheet and in PDF and CSV formats.
* this data is covered by the open government licence.
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